Join us as we discuss and share our views on topical subjects, relating to therapy, clinical social work and, Out of Home Care.

Being a social worker and our responsibility to community
Working in private practice, it does not come without criticism.

Children’s learning is driven by curiosity, which in turn leads them to explore their environments. Children who explore their environments discover, practice and master new skills that will help them to move forward in the world. With mastery comes satisfaction, self-confidence, and self-esteem. Good self-esteem helps children to try new things, take healthy risks, and solve problems.

How can reflective practice better our relationships with Indigenous people?
In this week’s group supervision, we explored the groundwork of how social work practitioners can demonstrate cultural competency when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients.

Returning to school
How teachers and educators can help with the transition back to the classroom for children with trauma.

Wellness & Clinical Supervision
Wellness and the definition that the authors came to conclude, is a multi-dimensional approach to viewing the wellbeing of an individual, usually consisting of several dimensions.

A new way of working?
As a result of COVID-19 are we developing a new way of working or just making some changes for a time?

Holding the space...
Wearing all of my many hats I have become extremely aware, particularly in these challenging COVID-19 times, that most of my roles are defined by holding space for another.

What we need to know about shame
If a child has not had their early basic needs met, through abuse, neglect or trauma, they often experience toxic shame.

The importance of attunement in assessing parenting capacity
Attunement is about the parent/carers ability to respond to the verbal and non-verbal cues given to them by the child.